Index of terms

A friendship gone sour.
An intense craving or obsession for kissing.
Lack of knowledge about, hence ignorance of, past ecological states.
A positive and good feeling of oneness with the Earth and its life forces where the boundaries between self and the rest of nature are obliterated and a deep sense of peace and connectedness pervades consciousness.
The awareness of a spirit or force that holds all life together; a feeling of profound symbiotic interconnectedness in all life forms between the self and other beings (human and nonhuman) and their gathering together to live within shared Earth places and spaces. It is a secular feeling of intense affinity and sense of mutual empathy for other beings.
The anxiety that is felt in the face of the threat of the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events.
The pain or distress caused by the loss or lack of solace and the sense of desolation connected to the present state of one’s home and territory. It is the lived experience of negative environmental change. It is the homesickness you have when you are still at home.
The era in Earth history that comes after the Anthropocene. The Symbiocene will be in evidence when there is no discernable impact of human activity on the planet other than the temporary remains of their teeth and bones. Everything that humans do will be integrated within the support systems of all life and will leave no trace.
A form of design and creativity where the symbiotic elements of life processes are replicated in all types of human enterprise. Humans do more than copy the form of life; they replicate the life processes that make the mutually beneficial associations between different life forms strong and healthy.
The extreme anger unleashed within those who can clearly see the self-destructive tendencies in the current forms of industrial-technological society and feel they must protest and act to change its direction.
Acute Earth-based existential trauma in the present.
Fear of entering a biophysical place.
A deep longing to enter a place you have never been to.

Terms yet to explore


The property of shared life in coexisting multiple organisms or holobionts. contribute


The particular love of the locally and regionally distinctive in the people of a place. contribute

Global dread

The anticipation of an apocalyptic future state of the world that produces a mixture of terror and sadness in the sufferer for those who will exist in such a state. contribute


An antiparony state of being by that about the possible passing of the familiar and its replacement by that which does not sit comfortably in one’s sense of place. contribute


Emotions relared to positively and negatively perceive and felt states of the Earth. contribute


The giving of political commitment to the protection of loved home places at all scales, from the local to the global, from the forces of desolation. contribute


Taking into account the totality of life interests in the biosphere at all scales when making decisions about human needs. contribute


A form of government where humans govern for the sym-biotic, mutually beneficial, or benign relationships in a sociobiological system at all scales. Sumbiocracy is rule for the Earth, by the Earth, so that we might all live together. contribute


A form of social, cultural, and literary criticism that evaluates all forms of creative endeavor from the awareness of the degree of interconnectedness between human and nonhuman life and the way that all must live together in shared spaces contribute


An account of the cumulative influences on a person's life, from childhood to adulthood, that have culminated in their values and attitudes toward the relationship between humans, other forms of life, and nature. contribute


The study of humans living together with the totality of life. Sumbiologists study life-supporting relationships between people, other biota, ecosystems, and biophysical systems at places from the local to global scales. contribute


The love of living together. contribute


A form of high-density social living that is based on design and construction offering a symbiotic habitat for all kinds of beings that live within it. contribute


Those cumulative types of active and purposive relationships and attributes created by humans that enhance mutual interdependence and mutual benefit for all living beings so as to conserve and maximizestate of unity-in-diversity. contribute


A recognition that all life exists within living systems at various scales. There is no "outside" for life forms within the biosphere. contribute


Earth creator. contribute


Earth destroyer. contribute


Earth murder. The deliberate desolation of the Earth such that it can no longer support life and life-support processes. contribute


The feeling that you do not wish to return to a place that you once loved and enjoyed when you know that it has been irrevocably changed for the worse. contribute