Basorexia (Patriz)

An intense craving or obsession for kissing.

The project began with research into the word sumbiophilia, as coined by Glenn Albrecht, meaning the love of living together. Initially, I felt that this word alone did not provide enough inspiration or clarity. Therefore, I added another word to enhance the concept: "basorexia," derived from Latin bāsium (kiss) + orexis (appetite). Observing people kiss can feel awkward, as if intruding into their personal space. However, living together inevitably involves closeness with others, whether we like it or not. I decided to visualize this idea through a video installation featuring strangers kissing, projected onto the ceiling. The space surrounding the people in the video acts as a barrier, inviting us to think about how we relate to others. Intimacy and closeness are just forms of human connection; they exist all across nature. Researchers suggest that intimacy is an evolutionary adaptation that ensures the continuation of species. This is why I believe basorexia should be considered a psychoterratic state.

Patriz Gonzalez