Euterria (Gleb)

The word that has inspired this work – Eutierria – a positive feeling of oneness with the Earth. 

A video piece titled Do you want to be a part of that? provides an audio representation of various environments, aiming to stimulate the feeling of being a part of them in the listener. Adding to that feeling, a textual conversation appears on the screen, guiding a listener through the experience. The aim of the artwork is to make the audience question what being in different natural settings makes them feel, and whether they feel that they belong to them. 

The general nature vs urban settings discussion that is already prevalent in the public for a long time has affected the artwork’s narrative. Especially, the problem of the modern person feeling alien to the wild environment inspired the artist to investigate our sensorial responses we have to nature.

Whilst the medium of sound was chosen to establish a strong emotional connection between the listener and the environments of the artwork through a sensorial journey, the text allows the work to ask more direct leading questions. 

Text from the artwork:


Do you like the crowd and the City?

Do you want to be a part of that?

Do you sometimes feel too far away from nature?

Do you want to be a part of that?

Do you like to be in the forest?

Would you like to feel as if you are just a small part of a beautiful harmony?


What if it is cold outside?

What if outside is dangerous?

You love nature, sure.


Are you also scared of it?

Do you want to be a part of that?

Don’t be afraid.

You are a part of that.