Eutierria (Sjoerd)


Eutierria: A positive and good feeling of oneness with the earth and its life forces where the boundaries between self and the rest of nature are obliterated and a deep sense of peace and connectedness pervades consciousness. 

Way. (music film) 

This work is a film that I created combined with a song I made. In this artwork I explore my own connectedness to the place I call home, where I have lived my whole life. I experience a large amount of connectedness to my surroundings, and the memories that are connected to it cause me to not know where I start and where surroundings end.  

In this work, the viewer takes my position, and experiences the connection I have to my surroundings. It’s a subjective interpretation of the term presented in a digestible format. It lets the viewer dive into my perception of reality and environment, taking them on a journey where you are engulfed by emotion, there are no questions or answers, only you and the nature surrounding you. 

The footage used for this project was shot on the Hoge Veluwe, which is a very large national park that stretches across the province. The music is a composition of multiple guitars and piano. I usually express myself with through music and video and have become accustomed to this as a creative outlet.