Meteoranxiety (Gleb)

We love your little terrarium

Meteoranxiety – The anxiety that is felt in the face of the threat of the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events.

A short film titled We love your little terrarium explores the anxiety and frustration with the current state of the environment and peoples’ ignorance towards it. Following a metaphorical journey of the main character the film focuses on the themes of nurturing and treasuring nature around you that is expressed through the symbol of a terrarium. Consequently, witnessing the destruction of the terrarium breaks the main character, even though it was done without a malicious intent.

We love your little terrarium is a response to the ignorant behavior of people in daily life, who pollute the environment and don’t take natural disasters seriously. Moreover, the visual ideas of the relationship between human and the wild of 1971 film Stalker by Andrei Tarkovski are twisted and reshaped in the style of the immature filmmaking of the picture.

The medium of home-video filmmaking was chosen to effectively translate the daunting feeling of anxiety and worry. This approach allowed the artist to express a bright palette of physiological states a person goes through while experiencing Meteoranxiety.