Terrafurie (Sjoerd)

You’ve gone and ruined it

Tierrafurie: The extreme anger unleashed within those who can clearly see the self-destructive tendencies in the current forms of industrial-technological society and feel they must protest and act to change its direction. 

 (self-painting painting) 
canvas, beamer, projection mapping. 

You’ve gone and ruined it is an artwork that explores how humans knowingly destroy the planet they inhabit, leaving a mark that will negatively affect our ecosphere for the foreseeable future. In this artwork, I have imbedded my own frustration and anger towards the destruction that takes place, and against the people accountable, that get away with their horrible crimes against mother nature. 

It involves an empty canvas exhibited on an easel ready to be painted. On this easel an image of a beautiful landscape is slowly forming, as if an unknown entity is standing right in front of the canvas, painting. After the picture is painted, the invisible entity steps back, looks at its creation, and is unhappy with the result. After taking a minute to decide what to do with it, the artist picks up their brush, and destroys the beautiful landscape by placing a large oil refinery in the middle of this beautiful piece of nature, ruining the landscape. 

I have taken a passive position in the matter and hope to elevate awareness and show that these things are happening. Our habitat is being destroyed in pursuit of financial growth, and there are people that should be held accountable for the crimes that are being committed against all organisms and their home.